
SystemSculpt AI is a powerful all-in-one plugin for Obsidian that offers a wide range of AI-powered features to enhance your note-taking, writing, and knowledge management experience. Here's an overview of the key modules and their features:

Brain Module

The core of SystemSculpt AI, the Brain Module serves as the control center for AI functionalities:

  • Multiple AI Service Integration: Connect with OpenAI, Groq, OpenRouter, or local models.
  • Dynamic Model Switching: Quickly switch between AI models using a modal interface (CMD+M).
  • Customizable AI Settings: Fine-tune parameters like max output tokens and temperature.
  • Title Generation: Automatically generate titles for your notes based on content.
  • Text Continuation: Let AI continue writing from where you left off.
  • API Endpoint Management: Enable or disable different AI service endpoints as needed.

Chat Module

Engage in AI-powered conversations within Obsidian:

  • Context-Aware Chat: Incorporate content from your vault for more relevant responses.
  • Local Conversation Storage: Automatically save and easily access past conversations within your vault.
  • Token Count Tracking: Monitor token usage to stay within model limits.
  • Customizable System Prompt: Tailor the AI's behavior to your specific needs.

Recorder Module

Seamlessly integrate audio notes into your workflow:

  • In-App Audio Recording: Create recordings directly within Obsidian.
  • Automatic Transcription: Transcribe audio using OpenAI's or Groq's Whisper model.
  • Microphone Selection: Choose your preferred audio input device.
  • Customizable Storage: Set paths for recordings and transcriptions.
  • Existing File Transcription: Transcribe pre-existing .mp3 files in your vault.

Templates Module

Enhance your note creation process with AI-powered templates:

  • AI-Generated Templates: Create dynamic templates based on user prompts.
  • Local Template Management: Organize and customize your template library within Obsidian.
  • Blank Template Functionality: Generate content on-the-fly with custom prompts.
  • Template Syncing: Access and update shared templates (requires license).

Tasks Module

Streamline task management with AI assistance:

  • AI-Powered Task Generation: Transform brief descriptions into well-structured tasks.
  • Quick Task Creation: Easily add tasks using a dedicated interface.
  • Task Organization: Manage tasks within your Obsidian vault.
  • Customizable Task Prompts: Tailor the AI's task generation behavior.

Additional Features

  • Customizable Hotkeys: Set up shortcuts for frequently used features across all modules.
  • Status Bar Integration: Quick access to key functions and information.
  • Version Checking: Automatic checks for plugin updates.
  • Settings Search: Quickly find and access specific settings across all modules.

Security and Privacy

  • Local storage of API keys and sensitive information.
  • Option to use local AI models for enhanced privacy.
  • Transparent data handling with cloud-based models.

Explore these powerful features to transform your Obsidian experience with SystemSculpt AI. Each module is designed to work seamlessly together, providing a comprehensive AI-enhanced environment for your note-taking and knowledge management needs.