Getting Started

Welcome to SystemSculpt AI! This guide will help you get started with our comprehensive AI-enhanced plugin for Obsidian, featuring multiple modules for various note-taking and productivity tasks.


  • Obsidian installed on your device
  • Basic familiarity with Obsidian's interface
  • An internet connection for cloud-based AI features
  • API keys for AI services (optional, but recommended for full functionality)


For detailed installation steps, please refer to our Installation Guide.

  1. Open Obsidian and go to Settings > Community Plugins
  2. Search for "SystemSculpt AI" in the community plugins browser
  3. Click "Install" and then "Enable" to activate the plugin

Alternatively, you can click here to download the Obsidian plugin from the Obsidian Community Plugins directory.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Configure the Brain Module

    • Go to Settings > SystemSculpt AI > Brain
    • Enter your API keys for any of these AI services:
    • Select your preferred AI model
    • Adjust settings like max output tokens and temperature as needed
  2. Explore Key Features

    • Chat Module: Start AI-powered conversations (look for the chat icon in the sidebar)
    • Recorder Module: Create and transcribe audio notes (use the "R" button in the status bar)
    • Templates Module: Generate and manage AI-powered note templates
    • Tasks Module: Quickly create AI-generated task lists
  3. Customize Your Experience

    • Adjust settings for each module to tailor the plugin to your workflow
    • Set up custom hotkeys for frequently used features across all modules

Module-Specific Setup

Brain Module

  • Required for all AI functionalities
  • Configure API keys and select preferred AI models
  • Manage API endpoints and adjust global AI settings

Chat Module

  • Customize the system prompt for tailored AI behavior
  • Explore context-aware chat features using your vault's content

Recorder Module

  • Grant microphone permissions to Obsidian
  • Select your preferred microphone in the Recorder settings
  • Choose between OpenAI and Groq for transcription services

Templates Module

  • Set up a templates folder in your vault
  • Create custom templates or use AI-generated ones
  • Consider subscribing for access to synced templates (requires a license key)

Tasks Module

  • Configure the tasks storage location
  • Customize the AI prompt for task generation
  • Experiment with quick task creation features

Advanced Configuration

  • Use the model selection modal (default hotkey: CMD+M) to quickly switch between AI models
  • Set up custom templates with specific AI models and parameters
  • Configure local AI endpoints if you're using self-hosted models


If you encounter issues:

  1. Verify API keys are correctly entered and valid
  2. Check your internet connection for cloud-based features
  3. Ensure local endpoints are properly configured (if applicable)
  4. Review the Troubleshooting guide for common issues and solutions

Next Steps

  • Explore each module's documentation for in-depth feature explanations
  • Join our community Discord for support and tips from other users
  • Regularly check for plugin updates to access new features and improvements

Welcome to the world of comprehensive AI-enhanced note-taking with SystemSculpt AI!